Event Series An Egyptian Heart’s Adventure

An Egyptian Heart’s Adventure

Port Discovery Children's Museum 35 Market Place, Baltimore, MD, United States

An interactive, traveling puppet show that combines social-emotional learning with Ancient Egyptian mythology. Audiences will help a young heart find emotional balance and return to its Mommy mummy through a variety of games and challenges.


Pop Up Comic Book Art

Port Discovery Children's Museum 35 Market Place, Baltimore, MD, United States

Bam! Pow! Zap! Roy Lichtenstein used comic book art as inspiration for his paintings. Can you use an onomatopoeia (a word that is spelled like it sounds) and make a cool piece of Pop Art?

Event Series Pop-Up Props: Foam Laser Swords

Pop-Up Props: Foam Laser Swords

Port Discovery Children's Museum 35 Market Place, Baltimore, MD, United States

Come celebrate one of the most well-known franchises featuring spacefaring heroes. Build your own, take-home laser swords made out of upcycled materials. Hold samples made by our staff artists and may the fun be with you!


Pop Up Comic Book Art

Port Discovery Children's Museum 35 Market Place, Baltimore, MD, United States

Bam! Pow! Zap! Roy Lichtenstein used comic book art as inspiration for his paintings. Can you use an onomatopoeia (a word that is spelled like it sounds) and make a cool piece of Pop Art?

Event Series Discovery Tales

Discovery Tales

Port Discovery Children's Museum 35 Market Place, Baltimore, MD, United States

Look, listen and sing! Gather 'round, friends. Join us as we sing songs and read stories and the whole family can enjoy.

Event Series Pop-Up Props: Foam Laser Swords

Pop-Up Props: Foam Laser Swords

Port Discovery Children's Museum 35 Market Place, Baltimore, MD, United States

Come celebrate one of the most well-known franchises featuring spacefaring heroes. Build your own, take-home laser swords made out of upcycled materials. Hold samples made by our staff artists and may the fun be with you!


Pop Up Comic Book Art

Port Discovery Children's Museum 35 Market Place, Baltimore, MD, United States

Bam! Pow! Zap! Roy Lichtenstein used comic book art as inspiration for his paintings. Can you use an onomatopoeia (a word that is spelled like it sounds) and make a cool piece of Pop Art?
