Leaf Rubbing Books

Port Discovery Children's Museum 35 Market Place, Baltimore, MD, United States

Celebrate Spring with us by exploring the science and beauty of leaf rubbing. They can be collected together to create a beautiful book to take home.

Event Series Teddy Talks

Teddy Talks

Port Discovery Children's Museum 35 Market Place, Baltimore, MD, United States

BearTube sensation Ted “Theodore” Bearson presents Teddy Talks! This informative presentation will feature puppets, slideshows, and morale boosting lessons good for little and big kids alike.


Leaf Rubbing Books

Port Discovery Children's Museum 35 Market Place, Baltimore, MD, United States

Celebrate Spring with us by exploring the science and beauty of leaf rubbing. They can be collected together to create a beautiful book to take home.

Event Series The Music in Me

The Music in Me

Port Discovery Children's Museum 35 Market Place, Baltimore, MD, United States

Sing it loud, sing it proud! Join us in a special music time that will bring the love of music into your hearts.


Leaf Rubbing Books

Port Discovery Children's Museum 35 Market Place, Baltimore, MD, United States

Celebrate Spring with us by exploring the science and beauty of leaf rubbing. They can be collected together to create a beautiful book to take home.

Event Series Sensory Friendly Mornings

Sensory Friendly Mornings

Port Discovery Children's Museum 35 Market Place, Baltimore, MD, United States

Pre-Registration Required A sensory friendly experience at the museum  Port Discovery’s Sensory Friendly Mornings provide Museum access to families who would benefit from a sensory friendly experience and quieter setting at Port Discovery two hours before opening to the general public. These mornings are designed to provide you with an opportunity to enjoy the Port... Read more »

Included with Museum Entry

Leaf Rubbing Books

Port Discovery Children's Museum 35 Market Place, Baltimore, MD, United States

Celebrate Spring with us by exploring the science and beauty of leaf rubbing. They can be collected together to create a beautiful book to take home.


Leaf Rubbing Books

Port Discovery Children's Museum 35 Market Place, Baltimore, MD, United States

Celebrate Spring with us by exploring the science and beauty of leaf rubbing. They can be collected together to create a beautiful book to take home.

Event Series The Music in Me

The Music in Me

Port Discovery Children's Museum 35 Market Place, Baltimore, MD, United States

Sing it loud, sing it proud! Join us in a special music time that will bring the love of music into your hearts.
