Ice Excavation

Port Discovery Children's Museum 35 Market Place, Baltimore, MD, United States

Go on a winter ice excavation and find the winter mammals as they are trapped in ice!


Winter Fun Station

Port Discovery Children's Museum 35 Market Place, Baltimore, MD, United States

Visit tables around the museum to take part in winter themed sensory activities, ranging from Snow Fun to a Polar Bear Party!


Gregory May’s Silly Circus Fun

Port Discovery Children's Museum 35 Market Place, Baltimore, MD, United States

Step right up! Now’s your chance to run away and join the circus without leaving home! Try your hand at a host of circus tricks with former Ringling Brothers Barnum... Read more »


Event Series Discovery Cart

Discovery Cart

Port Discovery Children's Museum 35 Market Place, Baltimore, MD, United States

Stop by our Discovery Cart for a selection of science learning, sensory exploration or motor skill play. 

Event Series Discovery Cart

Discovery Cart

Port Discovery Children's Museum 35 Market Place, Baltimore, MD, United States

Stop by our Discovery Cart for a selection of science learning, sensory exploration or motor skill play. 


Speech Bubbles

Port Discovery Children's Museum 35 Market Place, Baltimore, MD, United States

Speech bubbles are used in cartoons to represent character’s speeches and thoughts. Use some real-life life ones to explore language, poetry, and the words behind Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s... Read more »
